Disclaimer: We provide this tool to assist our clients with producing the PDF files/XML files for filing with the Canada Revenue Agency T2202 form data in a more efficient way. If the tool is not configured properly or the financial transactions are not properly entered in ampEducator the T2202 Tuition Statement may not produce accurate results. ampEducator Inc. is not a professional accounting firm and as such we do not warrant the data results from this tool are compliant/correct. It is entirely the client responsibility to consult the T2202 Tuition and Enrolment Certificate Summary link below and audit the form results with a certified professional accountant to ensure proper compliance to Canada Revenue Agency requirements are being met.
T2202 - Getting Started Checklist:
2. What is required in order for the T2202 Tuition Statement to Generate?
3. What are the data sources for T2202 form fields in ampEducator?
4. Step 1 - Configure the Tuition Statement Reporting Tool - Default Settings.
5. Step 2 - Generate and Review Tuition Statement Jobs
- Step 2 - Part 1. Generate a Tuition Statement Job.
- Step 2 - Part 2. Review your Tuition Statement Job
- Step 2 - Part 3. Review the Student Tuition Statements within the Job.
6. Step 3. Generating XML file to submit to CRA and make Tuition Statements Available to Students
Canada Revenue Agency - Supporting Guide and Documentation:
T2202 CRA Guide - Canada Revenue Agency - Tuition and Enrolment Certificate and Summary
Please Note: Distributing T2202
ampEducator provides a secure student portal that the Students can login and download/print the certificate. Once you complete the certificates you can make them available and email Students instructions using ampEducator Group Email, SMS or Announcements how to download. Otherwise you can print or download the certificates as PDF documents from ampEducator to provide to Students. ampEducator does not provide a method for directly emailing T2202 certificates to Students, as per the CRA Guide above you must have written consent from Students in order to email a T2202 Certificate to them:
"Institutions may distribute T2202 certificates electronically by making them accessible to their students on a secure portal from which the student can print the certificate in a secure manner. With written consent from the student, the designated educational institution can distribute T2202 certificates using email."
"In all other cases, where the student does not have access to a secure portal from which the student can print the certificate in a secure manner or when the student requests it, the designated educational institution will provide two copies of the T2202 certificate, in paper format, to the student in person or by mail."
Source: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/publications/rc4654/guide-for-designated-educational-institutions-filing-the-t2202-tuition-and-enrolment-certificate-and-summary.html#distributing_the_T2202
Please Note: Collection of SIN Numbers.
CRA requires all T2202 to have the Student SIN (Social Insurance Number) or to be able to show that you made a reasonable effort to get it and keep a copy (ie. email request) of any correspondence related:
"Failure to provide information on a return. Anyone who prepares an information return has to make a reasonable effort to get the necessary information, including the social insurance number (SIN), from each individual who will receive a certificate. If you do not do this, you may be liable to a $100 penalty for each failure to comply with this requirement."
"If the student does not give you their SIN, you should be able to show that you made a reasonable effort to get it. For example, if you contact a student by mail to ask for their SIN, record the date of your request and keep a copy of any correspondence that relates to it. If you do not make a reasonable effort to get a SIN, you may be subject to a penalty of $100 for each failure. If you cannot get a SIN from the student, file your information return, without the SIN, no later than the last day of February. If you do not, you may be subject to a penalty."
1. Overview
The Tuition Statement Reporting Tool in ampEducator will generate:
- The CRA T2202 Tuition Certificate that can be downloaded as PDF on demand in the Student Portal.
- Optionally, if you are not using the Student Portal you can generate the T2202 PDF forms to download.
- The XML file required to upload to the Canada Revenue Agency containing:
- The Student T2202 Slips
- The Summary T2202 Slip
- The T619 Transmitter Information
2. What is required in order for the T2202 Tuition Statement to Generate?
In order for the T2202 forms and XML file to be populated there is supporting data and procedures that must be followed in ampEducator.
- If using Programs, the Program Weeks field must indicate the correct number of weeks in the Program. ampEducator uses this to calculate the number of eligible months:
- If using Programs, the Student Program Start Date and Completed Date must be entered correctly (Note: The Program Expected End Date field is not used this is for reference only). If the Student has not completed the Program yet ampEducator will determine the eligible months based on the Start Date and Program Weeks.
- For all Students, Student Account Transactions. These must be entered into the Student Profile > Accounts tab ensuring:
- Tuition Charges (or Items on Invoices) are associated to the Student Course/Program.
- Fee Classes assigned to the Student are also assigned to the Program.
- Tuition Charges (or Items on Invoices) are associated to "Tuition" Revenue Account(s).
- Tuition Payments are applied to the above Charges or Invoices.
- Tuition Adjustments are associated with a Course/Program.
Example of "Tuition" Charge, Associated to Program and 4000 Tuition Revenue Account with Payments Applied. Note: If you add the Fees to the Program or Course and use this option to add Items to your Invoices instead of Manual Items, the Program or Course will be automatically associated for you:
Example of "Tuition" Invoice, Associated to Program and 4000 Tuition Revenue Account with Payments Applied. Note: If you add the Fees to the Program or Course and use this option to add Items to your Invoices instead of Manual Items, the Program or Course will be automatically associated for you:
Note: ampEducator allows you to apply Tuition and Books Charges/Payments into different Revenue accounts. If you have not recorded Tuition Charges and Payments separately or you encounter any unexpected results or errors for any Tuition Statements, you may need to go back and edit the student Transactions. If you have not applied payments, there is an option to Auto Apply Payments when generating Tuition Statements.
You can see at a glance any Charges that have been properly applied to Programs under the "Prog" column in the Student Profile > Accounts > Charges section.
If you notice any missing or incorrect Charges, you can edit the Charge. (If you need to edit the Payments Applied, you can do that under Student Profile > Accounts > Payments section).
The Tuition Statement Reporting Tool will automatically use Student Account transactions, calculate the weeks a Student has been in each applicable Session and then compare that to the total number of Program weeks as well as the parameters selected when generating Tuition Statement Jobs to calculate the data on the T2202.
3. What are the data sources for T2202 form fields in ampEducator?
1 Year. This is built-in to the T2202 Reporting Tool and determined when you Select Report (Year). If the year is not correct, you will need to the select the (Year) report when generating for the tax year you want to generate.
2. Name and address of the designated educational institution. This data is pulled from the Institution Account > Details > Institution Name and Address.
3. Box 11 School Type. This is selected when you configure or run the Tuition Statement Job in Steps 1 or 2.
4. Box 12 Flying School of Club. This is selected if in configuration if your Institution applies.
5. Box 14 Student Number. This is the Student Assigned ID from the Student Profile.
6. Box 15 Filer Account Number. Your BN (Business Number) Entered/Selected when you run the Tuition Statement Job.
7. Box 13 Name of Program or Course. This is selected when you configure or run the Tuition Statement Job.
8. Box 19 Session Periods From. Calculated automatically from any session that applies in Academic Sessions.
9. Box 20 Session Periods To. Calculated automatically from any session that applies in Academic Sessions.
10. Box 21 Number of Months Part-Time. Calculated automatically from any session that applies in Academic Sessions.
11. Box 22 Number of Months Full-Time. Calculated automatically from any session that applies in Academic Sessions.
Note: ampEducator determines Part-Time or Full-Time months based the Program format designation (Full Time or Part time) under Programs > Program Format > Full Time or Part Time. If ampEducator is looking at Courses outside of a Program (ie. Student is enrolled in Course only) then ampEducator will use the number of credits attempted to be considered a Full Time Students at your Institution (The number of credits attempted to be consider Full Time is entered when you run the Tuition Statement Job).
12. Box 23 Eligible tuition fees Part-Time and Full Time. Total of Box 21 and 22.
13. Student Name. This is the First Name, Middle Name and Last Name in the Student Profile > Details.
14. Student Address. This is the Current Address in the Student Profile > Details.
15. Box 17 Social Insurance Number. This is the SIN in the Student Profile > Details.
You can view the data calculated for any Student Tuition Statement by expanding on the details in Step 2 - #3 Review the Student Tuition Statements in the Job:
IMPORTANT: Once you have generated, audited and confirmed that all the Tuition Statements are correct you can then return the Home > Accounts > Tuition section to generate and download the final XML file required to file with CRA for all Students. If mistakes are found after the original import is submitted you will need to submit Amended or Cancelled XML files again to the CRA. Do not submit Originals with Amended / Cancelled Files.
Note: Existing Tuition Statements or Tuition Statement Jobs will not update automatically if you make changes to the Student Information. You will need to generate a new Tuition Statement to reflect any updates that you make.
Before you can begin you must configure the Tuition Statements in Step 1. Then you can generate multiple Tuition Statements (T2202) to confirm that they are correct under Home > Accounts > Tuition by running a Tuition Statement Job. You then select the Tuition Statement Job from the filter list and then click Apply to view them in the list in Step 2.
4. Step 1 - Configure the Tuition Statement Reporting Tool - Default Settings.
Before you use the Tuition Statement Reporting Tools an Admin user should configure the default settings under Institution Config > Accounts > Tuition but this is not required. These settings may be changed later when running each Tuition Statement.
1. Statement Type: Select Canada (T2202)
2. Account Number. Enter the Canada Revenue Agency Filer Account Number (Business Number) account for your institution.
Note: If you have Multiple Locations we recommend you enter all CRA account numbers separated by comma. When you generate the Tuition Statement Job in later steps you will edit this field. See Step 2 - 1b.
3. Institution Type: Select your Institution Type, University, College, etc.
4. Full Time Credits. Enter the number of attempted credits per session which determines a full time student at your institution.
5. Eligible Programs / Courses. Select those which are eligible for tuition reporting. IMPORTANT: You do not need to select courses which are taken as part of an eligible Program under Program > Program Components.
6. Eligible Revenue. Determines which student fees are used. Only select those accounts (primarily tuition) which are eligible for reporting.
7. Auto Apply Payments. Payments must be applied before they can be used in tuition calculations. When selected any unapplied payments will be automatically applied to outstanding charges and invoices.
5. Step 2 - Generate and Review Tuition Statement Jobs
Under Home > Accounts > Tuition you will see a new Section called 'Tuition'. Under this section you will be able to create a new job to generate tuition statements for students. Statements will be generated for any student which has paid eligible tuition fees for the given year. After the job has completed you can view, edit and generate PDF statements for students. Tuition statements for individual students can be generated under their profile.
IMPORTANT: There are 3 Parts to Step 2. (1) Generate a Tuition Statement Job, (2) Review the Tuition Statement Job and (3) Review the Student Tuition Statements within the Job.
Step 2 - Part 1. Generate a Tuition Statement Job.
Under Home > Accounts > Tuition and Click the Green Button labelled "Start New Job". The generates the Student Tuition Statements (T2202) within the Job for review.
A modal window will appear with the default settings. Select the appropriate parameters to run a Tuition Statement Job for review.
Note: We recommend running test Jobs first in smaller groups sorted by Program, Program Start Date (or Course) and Location (if applicable) to make it easier to review the Statements and keep things organized. Once you have verified all the Tuition Statements are correct, you can run a final Job including all the students to submit to CRA and make available for Students.
a. Student Sessions. Select the Sessions that fall within your Tax Year.
b. Student Locations. Select the Location you wish to Generate the Tuition Statements for.
Note: If you have multiple locations you will need to run each location separately and edit the field 1e to match CRA Business Number to the Location for which you are generating the Tuition Statements if they are different.
c. Select Report. Canada (T2202) and the related Tax Year.
d. Job Name / Id. Enter a unique name for this job so that you can tell what Students should be in it to check (ie. LocationName_ProgramX_Job1)
e. Account Number. Enter your Canada Revenue Filer Account number (Business Number). If you have multiple Locations, remove the Account Number of any other Locations that do not match the Location selected in 1b. Whatever you put in this field will generate exactly on box 15 on T2202 Form as is. Be sure to check all fields to ensure the data is correct before submitting to CRA or providing to the St
f. Statement Slip Type. Select Original or Amendment (if you have already submitted XML to CRA, use Amendment to correct any mistakes and re-submit).
f. Institution Type. Select the Institution Type.
g. Full Time Credits. Enter the full time credits required or use the default.
h. Eligible Programs. Select the Programs you wish to generate or use the default.
i. Eligible Courses. Select the Courses you wish to generate or use the default.
IMPORTANT: You do not need to select courses which are already assigned a components as part of an eligible program you select.
j. Eligible Revenue. Determines which student revenue account fees are used. Only select (check) those accounts (primarily tuition accounts) which are eligible for reporting. Consult the CRA Guide for more information.
k. Zero Eligible Tuition. Check this option if you wish to generate a tax form for students with zero Eligible Tuition in box 26. See
l. Click "Start" to run the Tuition Statement or "Cancel" to return to the previous screen.
Step 2 - Part 2. Review your Tuition Statement Job
Once the Job is started it will appear in the Job List. There are several columns in the Job list and icons to the right for the Tuition Statement Job you ran:
a. Name. This is the Name you provided in 1d.
b. Type. This is the Type of Tuition Statement that was selected.
c. Year. This is the Calendar Year that was applied to the Tuition Statement Job.
d. Start and End Date. This refers to when the Job started and ended.
e. Status. This reports the status of the Job, Pending, Completed or Error.
f. Completed. This refers to the number of Student Tuition Statements that were Completed / Total Students attempted. 10/10 indicates that all were completed. 7/10 would indicate that 7 tuition statements were generated out of a total possible 10 students and 3 were not generated. The reason for this vary but it is normally due to $0 or less than $100 eligible tuition payments and each one would need to be reviewed in order to determine what the issue might be. To determine which 3 students you will need to View the Tuition Statement Job Log (g).
Note: You can go back and generate a new job and select Zero Eligible Tuition if you wish to generate any students who might have been left out to see if this resolves the Completed count.
g. View Job. The magnifying glass icon to the right of the Completed column allows you to view the Tuition Statement Jab Log. Click the magnifying glass icon to the right of your Job Name to View the Job Log.
This provides you with detailed information to view the results for each student and trouble shoot errors found when generating the tuition statements as shown below:
At the bottom of the View, there is a Job Log Box that you can scroll and/or use the CTRL+F option to find any "error" that might have occurred or search by the Name of Student you are troubleshooting. If you encounter any errors, you can submit them to support@ampeducator.com for assistance.
h. Generate PDF's. The next icon is the Generate PDFs as shown below:
This allows you to generate the PDFs for the Completed Students in the Tuition Statement Job. When you click this Icon a modal window will pop up providing you with 3 options which you can select all or individually:
- Single PDF Per Student. This is a rarely used option that will generate a PDF per statement and place it student documents with or without Student Access. This should only be used if you wish to provide the students with a PDF copy of the T2202 in the Student documents section in the Student Portal. However, this is not the recommended method for distributing T2202 to Students as once the PDF is created you can't remove it unless you go to each Student Profile and delete the PDF one at a time. Contact support@ampeducator.com if you have done this by mistake and require assistance to remove many documents they may be able to assist you.
IMPORTANT: To allow students to download a PDF you make all Statements Available See (j) below and they can download a PDF on demand. This reduces the amount of storage you are using in your ampEducator account AND allows you to control the availability of the Tuition Statements without creating PDF. Once PDF documents are generated, the only way to remove them is to delete them individually from Student records. - Single PDF All Statements will generate a single PDF with all statements combined and place it inHome > Documents for Staff access only. (This doesn't generate a PDF in the Student Documents).
- Single ZIP All Statements will generate a PDF per statement, create a single zip file and place it in Home > documents. This is more useful if you wish to create an archive file or for third party storage, etc.
i. Generate XML Return.
IMPORTANT: This option should not be used until you have reviewed all the Students and confirmed they are all correct. Then select All Programs in the same Location to upload to CRA. When you click this icon you are a modal window will appear to enter and/or confirm the parameters to generate the XML data. See Step 3 - Generating Final XML for CRA below for more information.
j. Make all Statements Available. This "thumbs up" icon allows you to set ALL the Tuition Statements as "Available" for view/download by Students in the Student Portal under Accounts > Tuition Statements. (You can set individual availability in the Student Profile > Accounts > Tuition Statements or in (3) below when you review the Student Tuition Statements in the Job).
When you review the Student Tuition Statements in the Job will see Status = Available.
When Students Login to the Student Portal under Accounts > Tuition Statement they will see the following:
k. Make all Statements Pending. This "thumbs down" icon allows you to set the Tuition Statements as "Pending" and NOT visible to download by Students in the Student Portal under Account > Tuition Statements. They are otherwise available to Staff.
Note: All Student Tuition Statements are set to Pending by default. When you review the Student Tuition Statements in the Job will see Status = Pending. If you would like your Students to view/download then click (j) Make all Statements Available.
l. Delete Tuition Statement Job. The X icon allows you to delete the Tuition Statement Job permanently.
Step 2 - Part 3. Review the Student Tuition Statements within the Job.
After the job has been completed you can view, edit, download, make available/pending for download or delete the individual T2202 PDF statements for students that were created in the Tuition Statement Job.
To view the Student Tuition Statements created in your Tuition Statement Job this click the Job filter Icon under Tuition Statements and select the Job Name to display results. The Tuition Statements for each Student will then appear.
If you expand the Tuition Statements by clicking the (+) to the left it will reveal details of how the Tuition Statement was generated. Note: You can also do this in the student profile.
Clicking the magnifying glass to the right of the Statement Items will reveal further data about how the item amounts were generated.
This allows you to troubleshoot any Tuition Statements that may not appear to be correct. You can compare you own calculations to what ampEducator is doing and apply any fixes to the Student Account Transactions or Student Program information and then generate a new Tuition Statement.
6. Step 3. Generating XML file to submit to CRA and make Tuition Statements Available to Students
Once you have reviewed and confirmed that all Students Tuition Statement information is correct to the best of your knowledge, you can generate the XML file to submit to the CRA.
IMPORTANT: If you have multiple locations in the same ampEducator Account you will need to repeat the steps for each location and submit them separately.
The steps are identical to Step 2 except in this case you should name the Job "Final XML" or something similar and select ALL Eligible Programs/Courses. This creates ALL the Student T2202 slips, Summary slip information and T619 Transmitter information.
1. Generate Statement Job.
Under Home > Accounts > Tuition and Click the Green Button labelled "Start New Job".
A modal window will appear with the default settings that were entered in Step 1. Select the appropriate parameters to run a Tuition Statement Job for review.
a. Student Sessions. Select the Sessions that fall within your Tax Year.
b. Student Locations. Select the Location you wish to Generate the Tuition Statements for.
Note: If you have multiple locations you will need to run each location separately and edit the field 1e to match CRA Business Number to the Location for which you are generating the Tuition Statements if they are different.
c. Select Report. Canada (T2202) and the related Tax Year.
d. Job Name / Id. Enter a unique name for this job so that you can tell what Students should be in it to check (ie. LocationName_ProgramX_Job1)
e. Account Number. Enter your Canada Revenue Filer Account number (Business Number). If you have multiple Locations, remove the Account Number of any other Locations that do not match the Location selected in 1b. Whatever you put in this field will generate exactly on box 15 on T2202 Form as is. Be sure to check all fields to ensure the data is correct before submitting to CRA or providing to the St
f. Statement Slip Type. Select Original or Amendment (if you have already submitted XML to CRA, use Amendment to correct any mistakes and re-submit).
f. Institution Type. Select the Institution Type.
g. Full Time Credits. Enter the full time credits required or use the default.
h. Eligible Programs. Select the Programs you wish to generate or use the default.
i. Eligible Courses. Select the Courses you wish to generate or use the default.
IMPORTANT: You do not need to select courses which are already assigned a components as part of an eligible program you select.
j. Eligible Revenue. Determines which student revenue account fees are used. Only select (check) those accounts (primarily tuition accounts) which are eligible for reporting. Consult the CRA Guide for more information.
k. Zero Eligible Tuition. Check this option if you wish to generate a tax form for students with zero Eligible Tuition in box 26. See
l. Click "Start" to run the Tuition Statement or "Cancel" to return to the previous screen.
2. Review the Tuition Statement Job to ensure Completed count is as expected and error free. Correct any issues and then run a new job.
3. Once you are satisfied with the results of your Tuition Statement Job you can then click Generate XML Return,
A new modal window will appear to allow you to select the appropriate parameters:
Transmitter Type. This refers to who is submitting the Return. If your Accountant is submitting on your behalf and you will be providing the XML file to them, then select (For Service Providers) otherwise use "Submitting Your Own Returns".
Transmitter Number. If you are filing 1 return only and do not have an existing Transmitter number please use generic transmitter number MM555555 to file this return. If you still wish to obtain a Transmitter number, please call the CRA 1-800-665-5164 to obtain one.
Transmitter Name & Address. This is the name/address of the designated educational institution OR the Accountant that will be filing on your behalf.
Contact. This is the name of the person who can answer any questions the CRA may have about this T2202 information return.
Once you have selected the parameters, click "Generate and Download XML". The XML file will then automatically download to your local computer. The file return that is downloaded from ampEducator to your local computer is in the mandatory Extensible Markup Language (XML) format and conforms to the CRA technical specifications and schema for T2202 and T619 shown below for reference purposes only - you do not need to do anything with this file it is ready to upload as is once you download it:
For reference purposes only: T2202 XML File Specifications
For reference purposes only: T619 XML File specifications
IMPORTANT: You should make this Final Tuition Statement Job Available to all Students by clicking the "thumbs up" icon for this Job. Any other Tuition Statement Jobs that were run as tests should be removed as they are no longer required. Do not delete a Tuition Statement Job unless you no longer need it. Deleting a Tuition Statement Job will also remove it from the Student Profile > Accounts > Tuition Statement. If you are unsure, just leave it.
4. Uploading your XML file to CRA.
You will need your Web Access Code (WAC) and associated Account number to upload to the CRA:
CRA link to Upload your XML file:
Internet file transfer (XML) application
Retrieve your Web Access Code Online:
1. Select "I agree" at the bottom
2. I forgot my web access code and need to retrieve it
3. Account Number is your Business Number
4. Return Type filed for previous year = T2202
5. Total Eligible Tuition Fee Amount reported in box 26 of the most recent original 2019 tax year T2202 summary.
If you cannot get your WAC online or want to change it, you can call CRA business enquiries at 1-800-959-5525.
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