ampEducator - Forms Guide

Modified on Mon, 30 Sep, 2024 at 5:16 PM


1. Getting Started - New Form

2. Form Details

3. Form Fee

4. Submit Details

5. Form Approval

6. Sending Form(s) to a Prospect/Student

7. Public Forms

8. Public Submissions

9. Form Design

Forms in ampEducator are a unique customizable way to collect information online to create or update Prospects and Students. You can create as many Forms as you like under Home > Forms. Here you will find the list of Forms that have been created or shared with you from other Users with Form User Role access. You will see the list of Submissions for each form, whether it is a Public form and options to Edit, Preview or Delete the Form with icons to the right. If you do not see any Forms in this list – it means you have to create one. To get started creating Forms in ampEducator see below:

1. Getting Started - New Form

Click the Green Button ‘New Form’. A modal window will Pop-up and display the following fields - * indicates required fields:

  1. Form Name*
  2. Form Code*
  3. Description
  4. Title*
  5. Read Only Access (Other users can View but not Edit)
  6. Read / Update Access (Other users can Edit)
  7. Location Access (If you have multiple locations, which ones can view)

Click ‘Add Form’.

Clicking ‘Add Form’ will return you to the Form list. You can then click on the Form Name or the Pencil Icon to right to ‘Edit’ the Form Details:

Once created, Forms have 5 sections to configure: Details, Fee, Submit Details, Public Settings and Design. See below for details.

2. Form Details

Details. This allows you to change the settings when you created the Form

3. Form Fee

If you want to force the Form User to pay a fee prior to being allowed to Submit the Form, Click the box ‘Charge Form Fees’ to Yes.

Note: You must have a merchant account enabled under Institution Config > Accounts > Online Payments to use the Form Fee. If you do not use one of the listed Merchant Gateway providers – contact to request your Merchant Gateway be added (may be subject to fee).

  1. Revenue Account. Specify which Account the Form Fee will be associated with. Manage this under Institution Config > Accounts > Revenue
  2. Add Separator. Adds a visual line separating the Fee Section from other parts of the Form.
  3. Show Title. Option to display the Fee Title text entered or not.
  4. Fee Title. Option to Customize what the Fee Section Title displays.
  5. Fee Instructions. This explains to the Form User what the Fee is for and any additional instructions you wish to include to them.
  6. Fee Amount. This is the actual fee in the currency you set for your account. Manage this under Institution Account > Details > Currency.
  7. Taxes. If there are any applicable taxes for the Fee. Manage this under Institution Account > Accounts > Taxes.

4. Submit Details

When the applicant is ready to “Submit” the Form, you can configure details of the submit portion of the form here. Students will always receive an email notification with attached PDF of the form they submit.

1. Add separator. This will add a line separating the Submit button from the rest of the Form Questions.

2. Show Title. This determines whether or not the Submit Title will show.

3. Submit Title. This is the text that is shown as the Submit section title.

4. Submit Instructions. Additional Instructions that an Applicant can expect once they “Submit”.

5. Require Signature: If selected the student will have to electronically sign the form and validate their signature through email.

6.  Submit Label*. This is the text shown on the Button to Submit the Form.

7. Email Copy. Student will automatically receive and Email with a copy of the Form.

8. Allow Download. Student can download a PDF of the Form.

Example of Signature workflow for Forms - Student signs Form and is sent email to Verify:

Student will receive Email to click to verify:

Form will update to Verified once clicked:

Note: At any time if you are unsure about how the Form will look you can use the green 'Preview Form' button as shown below which will attempt to show you a rendering of the Form you have created. 

Clicking Preview will not display the signature line, but using the Download PDF will:

Clicking this button will open a modal pop-up window to allow you to 'Preview' the options you have selected. The preview is intended to be a quick check of your form Design, but if you wish to see how the Form will be represented then it is recommended to enable the Public Settings and copy and paste the Public URL into your browser to preview it - see #6.

5. Form Approval

When enabled a Staff member will be requested to approve the Form though a signature and email validation. Note: Approval with a Public Form must be Fixed because ampEducator is not aware of who should approve it. 

There will also be a Form approval Signtuare Line added to the PDF version of the Form:

Form Approval Process - Example:

a. Add a New Form

When you add a new form and it requires approval, either it will display the approval user if fixed or let you pick a user. The user you pick must have a valid email.

b. Student Signature

If enabled the student signature works the same way. However when approval is enabled they won't be able to download the form or get a copy of the form emailed until approval is complete.

c. Approval Email

One the student submits (or submits and verifies signature) the User approving the form will get an email with URL link.

d. Approval

The link will lead the User to the form. The link is not the same as the student's link and contains a separate approval area. At this point the status of the form is 'Approval Pending'.


e. Approval Verification

Once approved the form has a verification email sent. The User must then click on this link to verify it.  The Form is also attached as PDF so the User can review / identify what they are approving.

f. Once verified the approval appears and the Student doesn't see the approval process. However once it's approved the Student will get a copy of the Form and be able to Download it if these features are enabled.

6. Sending Form(s) to a Prospect/Student

Forms can be both Public and sent directly to a Student. All Forms are by default intended to be sent directly to Students from their Profile / Forms section unless you set the Form to be Public under Public Settings. You can add forms directly to Prospects or Students from within the Prospect or Student Profile > Forms > New Form. Select the Form you wish to Add and it will prompt you with the option to Email Link and Message. This will automatically email the Prospect or Student the Form with your Message. If you do not want to email at that time and simply add the Form and send later – Uncheck Email Link and click ‘Add’. This will add the Form you selected to the Prospect or Student Profile Forms list (see  example below). From here you can use the icons to the right to Email, Create Link, View Form, Copy Fields or Delete. The Form list will also show Status, when the form was Started/Completed if a Fee was collected and Payment Status (if applicable):

7. Public Forms

By enabling the Public Settings feature you can allow anybody to fill out the form by sending them the link or embedding / lining the form to your website.

  1. Click ‘Public Submissions’ to Yes. This will display Public Form options.
  2. Public URL: Provide this URL to anyone or link to your website to launch a new Form for a User. Each time a Form User clicks this link a random unique key Form will be generated for them.
  3. On Submit. When the Forms are submitted you have the option of reviewing each one and manually converting them to Prospect of Student OR you set ampEducator to automatically Create Prospect. (see public submissions).
  4. ID. ampEducator requires Name, Email and Location to create records from Forms at minimum. You can ask the User to select Locations by making them available or set a Default Location. There are 2 options to collect Name and Email data and Name Style can be either Single Name as one Fields (ampEducator will split up the name entered into First, Middle and Last) or as separate fields First / Middle / Last / Email.
    1. Default. ID Section Public forms will automatically present an ID section at the top of the form for the user's Name, Email and Location.
    2. Integrate ID = Yes. This option allows you to specify which Form fields in the Design of your Form will be mapped to the required fields. Note that the Form asks you for First, Middle, Last and Email fields to be defined, but the user only is required to fill out First and Email fields (in case they don't have a Middle Name, etc.).
  5. Redirect on Submit. If enabled, you can redirect the Applicant to URL on your webpage such as Thanks.html
  6. ID Separator, Title and Instructions. Public Forms require you to have Name, Email and Location in order to process them properly - that is why they are included in a separate ID section.
  7. Embedded.If selected the form will be styled to work in an embedded environment (e.g. in an iframe). Example: <iframe src="https://<INSERT-PURL_HERE>"></iframe>
  8. Include Javascript. If you wish to include javascript with your form you can add it here.
  9. Auto Email Response. This will allow you to email a templated response to the applicant once they fill out the Form.
  10. Auto Response Template. Select the Templated Response from the pull down menu. (These are added under Home > Templates).
  11. Auto Response Subject*. This is the Email Subject Line that the Applicant will receive with the Auto Response Template Email.
  12. Email Notification. You can notify Staff (multiple staff by checking from the list) that Form Submission has been submitted.
  13. CC Notification Email. You can add additional email addresses to be copied of the notification of Form Submission that may not be in your Staff list.
  14. If Integrate ID is not checked then you must specify at minimum:
    1. Name Label*. Required Field Label that must be present in order to create a record in ampEducator. We recommend using the 'Full Name'. ampEducator will separate First Name Middle Name and Last Name automatically for you based on the spacing the Applicant types into the Name field.
    2. Email Label*. Required Field that must be present in order to create a record in ampEducator.
    3. Location Label*. Required Field that must be present in order to create a record in ampEducator. 
    4. Available Locations*. If you only have 1 Location that you wish this Form to be applied to then select this Location only.
      1. You can remove this field by setting the Default Location for the User.

You can still send Public Forms directly to Prospects or Students. The Form Name, Email and Location Data will be presented and the User can fill them out. Then the Form data can be merged to the existing Prospect or Student from the Public Submissions section of the Form. 

8. Public Submissions

To view all Public Form Submissions you can click on the Public Submissions tab next to Edit Form. This will list all submissions for the Form.

Each time the Public URL is clicked a new Form Submission if created.

  1. Status: This is ‘In Progress’ until the Form User submits and then it will change to ‘Complete’. 
  2. Created: Indicates the Date the Form User started.
  3. Payment: Indicates Payment Status if applicable.
  4. Converted: Indicates if the Form was converted to Prospect or Student.
  5. Student: Indicates that the Form was converted directly to Student rather than Prospect.
  6. Date: Indicates the Date of the Form conversion.

View Public Form Submission: You can view any Form Submission by clicking the Magnifying Glass Icon to the right.

  1. There is option to Copy individual fields or Copy All Fields (that are mapped properly – see Form Design) to Prospect or Student file.

Note: If you Convert a form before it is Completed, the form will still appear in the Prospect or Student Forms tab and they can still complete it. You should only Delete submissions when you are sure they are no longer required or abandoned by the Form User. You can filter on Status and Converted as well as Search on Identifier Fields in the provided Search box.

  1. Convert Public Submission: You can convert a Form submission to Prospect or Student at any time by clicking the Convert Icon to the right of the Form Submission. 
  2. Name Questions: This allows you to select the Name fields on the Form rather than typing them in manually.
  3. Student Name: Type the name of the Student or use above.
  4. Location: Specify the Location (if unsure add a Location called ‘Unspecified’ to your Location list under Institution Config > Locations.
  5. Convert to: Prospect or Student.

If Converting to Student, additional fields are required:

  1. Student ID: Enter or Click ‘magic wand’ to auto generate available ID based on ID settings in Institution Config > Student > ID.
  2. Select Advisor (if applicable).
  3. Select Student Status from custom list in Institution Config > Student > Status.
  4. Populate from Submission: If clicked Yes, all mapped fields in the Form will copy over to the Prospect or Student record on conversion (see Form Design #5 – Map to Fields).
  5. Click ‘Convert’ or ‘Cancel’ to go back: If Convert, the system will prompt success and return you to the list. To access the student record you just created, click the Student Name in the Submission list or go to Students section and search for Student Name.

9. Form Design

Form fields are added in the form of 'Questions' under Design. You can sections that separate different sets of Questions as well. Click New Section to add a new section and New Question to add a Question to the section.

Note: All form Instruction fields support HTML tags so if you wish to insert your LOGO you can use <img> tag to link to a logo stored on a public website folder or you can insert <b>BOLD</b> HTML tags text to highlight it to Form Users.

  1. Form Title and Instructions: Add a Title for your Form and any initial Instructions you wish to provide about the Form to Form Users. 
  2. Section & Questions: You may wish to break up your form into different sections such as “Personal”, “Program Selection”. Form fields are added by clicking the green “New Question” button.

Note:  Sections can be moved left and right, Questions can be moved up down by using the Arrow Direction Icon next to the item you wish to re-order. Edit with Pencil, X will Delete the item.

  1. Question: Add any question you like eg. ‘First Name’ or ‘Email’.
  2. Instruction: Optional. Anything you wish to add.
  3. Type:
    1. Student Field: Automatically maps the Field to Student (or Prospect). When you select this Type you can then choose the Student Field to Add from the pulldown list. This includes any Custom Fields you add at the bottom of the list.
    2. Text: Small text box for things like first name.
    3. Text Area: Large text box for fields that need more text.
    4. Select List: Creates a pulldown to select a value, must add values to the ‘Value’ box comma separated (1,2,3) with no spaces between comma eg. Not (1, 2, 3)
    5. Select Picker: Creates pulldown as well but allows user to select multiple values instead of just one.
    6. Checkbox: Creates checkbox options for each value.
    7. Radio: Creates radio options for each value.
    8. Date: Inserts Calendar for user to select Date in accepted format. (ampEducator date format is YYYY-MM-DD).
    9. Time: Inserts Time picker for user to select Time in accepted format. (ampEducator time format is 00:00:00).
    10. Attachment: Allows the Form User to upload a document.
  4. Required: Indicates fields Users must fill out. Will not allow the Form User to submit otherwise and prompt them.
  5. Validation: Checks the field to ensure Form User enters proper Email, Positive Number (Not Negative or Zero), Percentage (0-100) or valid URL (Http,Https) formats.
  6. Map to Field:  On conversion, if the field is mapped to current or custom field in the database the Form data will Populate from Submission to the Prospect or Student record. If not mapped, the data will remain in the Form only for review. Custom fields can be added under Institution Config > Prospect / Student > Custom and appear at the bottom of the Map to Field list.
  7. Display Length: Indicates the width of the Form Field.

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