ampEducator - Course Marketplace Guide

Modified on Tue, 12 Jul, 2022 at 3:24 PM

Course Marketplace Guide Checklist:

  1. What is the Course Marketplace?
  2. Getting Started with Course Marketplace
  3. Creating a Marketplace Course
  4. Edit Marketplace Course
  5. How do Students Enroll?

1. What is the Course Marketplace?

The purpose of Course Marketplace is to help schools sell and/or easily automate registration Students to Courses online. The Course Marketplace is an auto generated, customizable, multi-Course registration web page system populated from information stored in your ampEducator account. The content management allows users to create, publish and enroll students into Courses by linking to the page from their existing website or providing the link to prospective students via email or SMS.

2. Getting Started wth Course Marketplace

a. Config

Under Home > Course Marketplace you will find 3 tab sections; Marketplace Courses, Enrollment Requests and Config. Click on MarketPlace Courses.

To the right, click on the Config Tab:

Click Enabled = Yes. Additional options will appear to allow you to Configure your Course Marketplace:

  1. URL. This is the personalized URL to launch your Course Marketplace. Click to preview.
  2. Title. This is the Title that appears on your Course Marketplace.
  3. Instructions. These appear under the Title section.
  4. Default Course Order. Sets the Order in which Courses are displayed on the Course Marketplace page.
  5. Verify Students. If the enrollment is from an existing student the system will require an email verification for security.
  6. With Custom Header. Click Yes to upload a custom image for the Header (resized to 1170px).
  7. With Request Info. If selected users will be provided a link where they can fill out the indicated public form to request more information. To create a form and link it to your Course Marketing see the Forms Guide here:
  8. With Opt In. Collect Consent to receive email and SMS. Custom 
  9. Embedded. If selected the form will be styled to work in an embedded environment (e.g. in an iframe).
  10. Include Javascript. If required, you can call javascript function.
  11. Email Notifications. These users will be emailed (CC'd) on all Enrollment Requests made.

b. Categories.

Categories allow you to organize (filter and order) your Courses on the Public Course Marketplace page. You can edit, move them up or down and delete here.

These correspond to Courses you assign and the Category Filter on the Course Marketplace page.

c. Enrollment Requests

Here you find all Enrollment requests in one place. You can review, filter and search all requests (and payment status if applicable) as well as delete requests. If you make a mistake you can filter on Deleted and Restore the request. If the Marketplace Course is Linked to an existing ampEducator Course you can choose options to automatically enroll Students to the Course or do this manually as the requests come in - see below for more details.

3. Creating a Marketplace Course

Click on Home > Marketplace Courses. This will list all courses and allow you to search and filter, showing counts for requests, pending and fulfilled students.

a. Click New Course.

b. A modal window will appear allowing you to create a Marketplace Course.

  1. Location Access. Define which Location will have access to this Marketplace Course.
  2. Category. Assign the Category (defined earlier under Config).
  3. Academic Session. Select the relevant Academic Session.
  4. Linked Course. This will automate the enrollment requests into an existing Course in ampEducator you select allowing students to be directly enrolled into Courses. If you wish to manually enroll Student to ampEducator Courses after Students make the request - then select None.
  5. Course Locations. Specify the Location that the Course is associated with.
  6. Course Code. Displays the Linked Course Code or enter a Course Code if None.
  7. Course Name. Displays the Linked Course Name or enter a Course Name if None.
  8. Short Description. Additional information that will be displayed about the Course.
  9. Delivery Method. Select Online, In-Person or Hybrid (Both).
  10. Course Weeks. Enter length in weeks.
  11. Course Hours. Enter length in hours.
  12. Registration Start/End. Controls when Students can enroll.
  13. Course Start/End. Open Ended or Displays the Linked Course Start/End or enter if None.
  14. Course Difficulty. Select Introductory, Intermediate or Advanced.
  15. Email Notifications To. Select Staff that will be alerted to Course Enrollment Requests.

c. Click Add to continue editing your Marketplace Course.

4. Edit a Marketplace Course.

Once you have added a Marketplace Course you will see 4 menu sections; Details, Fees, Linked Courses and Enrollments. These parameters allow you to define how the course is displayed, filtered, ordered and how fees will be applied on the Course Marketplace page.

It is important to note that changes made here are for the Course Marketplace page only and will not affect/update any linked Courses. For example, changing Course Code or Start Date here will not change the linked Course Code or Start Date. Similarly, deleting or restoring Enrollments here will not remove students from a linked Course and will need to be done in the linked Course manually.

a. Details.

There are additional parameters after you add the Course under the Details section:

  1. Course Status. 
    1. Pending. Intended for upcoming Courses and will only show the Course internally (not public). Student search will not display this Course on the Marketplace Page. 
    2. Active. Shows on the Marketplace page with Enrollment until capacity is hit.
    3. Full. Shows on the page but will not allow Enrollment due to capacity.
    4. Disabled. Intended for past Courses and will only show the Course internally (not public).
  2. Academic Session. Select the Academic Session that applies.
  3. Category. Assign the Category, if you need to create new ones, go to Config.
  4. Course Locations. Select the Locations that apply to this Course. This should match the Location Access - see xxiv. below.
  5. Course Code and Course Name. These can be anything you like, but should match the Linked Course if you are using this function.
  6. Course Weeks. Enter "0" if this is not applicable to Course Length.
  7. Course Hours. Enter "0" if this is not applicable to Course Length.
  8. Registration Start and End. This will allow users to Register for the Course during the dates entered.
  9. Open Ended. If the Course is Continuous Enrollment, then select this option to follow the Start and End date of the assigned Academic Session. Otherwise, set the Start and End date as required.
  10. Course Start and End. This is the dates the Course is scheduled.
  11. Instructors.
    1. Displays the Instructor(s) on the Enroll Now page.
  12. Delivery Method. Select In-Person, Online or Hybrid (Both).
  13. Course Difficulty. Select the level of difficulty for users (Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced).
  14. Weekly Commitment of Hours. Informs users of the hours per week they should be prepared to commit to the Course.
  15. Credentials Earned. Informs users what the final credential awarded will be.
  16. Enrollment Method.
    1. Auto Enroll. Students will automatically be enrolled into linked courses.
    2. Manually Enroll. Students will be added to the enrollment queue and will have to be manually enrolled into courses.
  17. Enrollment Order. If auto enrolling students students can be enrolled in two ways:
    1. First Available. Students are enrolled into the first available linked course.
    2. Round Robin. Students are enrolled into linked courses in alternating order.
      Example - 2 Courses are linked with Round Robin Enrollment Order:
      1. Student A - Course 1, then
      2. Student B - Course 2, then
      3. Student C - Course 1, etc.
  18. With Capacity. When enabled, allows settings for Course Enrollment Capacity and what Action to take once the Capacity is reached. Example: Add to Enrollment Queue, Add to Waitlist Queue, Set Status to Full, Disable Course. If Waitlist is enabled, then set the Waitlist Capacity as well.
  19. Fee Payment Method.
    1. Pay Immediately. Payment is take from student by credit card. You must have a merchant account enabled for this feature to work.
    2. Manual. No payment is required when enrolling. Fees are charged manually.
  20. Fee Charge Method.
    1. Charge Account or Invoice Account.
  21. Email Notifications To. Select the Staff Users who will be notified by Email when Enrollment Requests are made.
  22. Auto Reply Email. Select an Email Template to send to users that complete the Enrollment Request.
  23. Auto Form. Select a Form that users will also need to complete in addition to the standard Enrollment Fields. This is useful for customizing the enrollment fields or collecting documents, etc.
  24. Location Access. This sets the user Location Access automatically.
  25. Course Image.
    1. Image size is 375 x 150 pixels. Images are automatically resized and cropped.
  26. Long Description.
    1. Provides a more detailed description for the Course then Short Description if needed.
  27. With Requirements, With Learning Outcomes, With Evaluation, With Textbooks/Materials.
    1. Click Yes to enable and add text as required. These will only display if enabled on the Enroll Now page.

b. Fees.

Clicking Add Fee will open a modal window allowing users to configure Fees applicable when Students enroll on the Course Marketplace. When selected, Payable on Enrollment forces Student to pay before registering. However, to use this function your ampEducator must have a Merchant Gateway configured under Institution Config > Accounts > Online Payments.

c. Linked Courses.

If you wish to automate Student Enrollment to existing ampEducator Course rather than performing this task manually with each Enrollment Request you receive from the Course Marketplace then you can manage the Linked Course(s) here. 

e. Course Enrollments.

Course Enrollments are a reference the to Student Enrollment Requests for the Course and show the Enroll Status and Payment Status (if applicable). Deleting or Restoring this reference does not affect the actual Course that is linked. If you wish to Withdraw a Student from a Course, this must be done at the Course level and not in Course Marketplace > Course Enrollments.

5. How do Students Enroll?

Student will visit your Course Marketplace page by clicking on the link (or a link button) to your designated Course Marketplace page found under Home > Course Marketplace > Config > URL:


They can search (filter) and select a Course by clicking on the Course Name. This launches a modal window displaying the parameters set for the Course with an Enroll Now button:

The Student clicks the Enroll Now button and this launches another window requesting the required information to register them for the Course.

If payment is required, they will also have to enter and pay via credit credit card the necessary fees before they can continue (your merchant account must be configured for this option to work):

The student clicks Enroll and is re-directed to an Enrollment Request Confirmation Page, they are also emailed a copy to the email they provided with instructions:

Here is an example of the email the Student receives as well:

Staff users that have been configured will be notified by email that a Student Enrollment Request has been received and all Course Enrollment Requests are listed under Home > Course Marketplace > Enrollment Requests:

Once received, if the Marketplace Course is not Linked to an existing Course in ampEducator then a staff member will have to manually enroll the Student using the Enroll Student icon to the right:

This will launch a modal window to Convert / Enroll Student if the Student is a new Student:

If the Student is an existing Student, normally they would self-enroll using the existing self enrollment tools in ampEducator. However, if this situation occurs the staff user would have to view and associate the enrollment request to an existing student and then process the enrollment afterwards:

The expected behaviour/benefit is to use the Marketplace Course and Link it to an existing Course in ampEducator. This way if Enrollment Method is configured to Automatic then ampEducator will automatically enroll the Student to the existing Course (as long as the Course capacity allows it, otherwise the Student will be placed on the waitlist):

If there is no Waitlist capacity set in the Course under Course Details, then the Course will switch to Full Status:

Note: The Linked Course status of Full doesn't stop Students from making enrollment request on the Course Marketplace until the staff switch the Course Marketplace to Full or 

The Student will also be emailed login instructions automatically to the Student Portal when Automatic Enrollment to a linked Course is enabled, this allows them immediate access to whatever Course Content you have made available via our various LMS tools:

Got Questions? Email us at

End of Course Marketplace Guide.


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